15 ways to make a girl laugh

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Laughter is so important in life, it is important in the relationships between human, between friends and between a man and his girlfriend.

What are proven benefits of using humor and laughter? Just to name some of them:

  • Improves problem-solving and creativity
  • Improves mood and creates feeling of well-being and joy
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem
  • Increases endorphins (which is a hormone related to feeling of happiness)
  • Creates bonds between people
  • Improves social cohesion in groups
  • So many other health benefits like reducing stress, pain or anxieties, relaxing muscles, improving blood sugar levels, bloodflow etc

So you can see, there is a very important tool in your hand right there, you are able to influence so much positive things in other people, and it doesn’t cost you any energy, in fact you by doing so, you will also heal and improve yourself!

Happiness and relationship quality meters can looks somehow like this for all people out there, there are many inputs that affect the overall happiness and one of them and strong one, is a laughter. Relationship quality meter affects overall perceived happiness meter and vice versa. By correctly using humor and making a girl laugh, you can create upwards movement in both of the bars at lightspeed! Also, not only girl, but you will be possitively affected as well.

Also an advance for you – if it is so positive, then you better use it, because otherwise someone other will and your girl might start visiting him to receive regular ‘healing’ therapy from him and we both know, it is not, what you would like, or is it?

Girls love men who smile, make them smile and are funny, so much! It would be shame not to use humor and master it.

The ways to make her laugh

So, how can you make a girl laugh?

      Spontaneous jokes – Those jokes are completely spontaneous, don’t require any preparation and when you do it, you are often amazed, how did you even come with such thing. It is often totally spot on and you both will laugh to it and in the moment, you would know that it is a pure win. Such great laughs appear randomly, if you are regularly practicing jokes, reading them, telling them, laugh and smile and is happy person in general. Don’t try to force those laughs, it won’t work!
      Make funny observations and comment it – Those are amazing situational observations. You are just staying in the moment, not even focusing on particular things, you are just aware of, what is going on around you and suddenly you will discover something funny and desperate for your comment. Again don’t try to force it and only comment on what is really funny
      Touching on sensible places – It is a great way to create a bond with women by touching her on places which she is very sensible and ticklish at. For some girls it might be feet, for other armpits. You have to discover it yourself! But be careful with those, they are great for making women laugh as a foreplay, but not during sexual act, they can ruin the sexual tension between you two.
      Tell funny stories – Great way to create strong bonds is telling stories, it should have at least partly be based on truth, but of course, you can improve it a bit, so it appears more inspiring, funny and great overall. Doesn’t matter if you are telling stories based on your experience or experience of others, if she asks to clarify something though and the story isn’t yours, be honest and tell her it’s your friend’s experience, as you will surely miss some important details!
      Remember her of funny things you encountered together – It is great if you can remember some funny situations you experienced together and laughed. If you come up with this in the right moment, you can experience those laughs again at almost the same power, isn’t it awesome?
      Remember her funny situations that you experienced – It is great to remember those, not only for telling as stories, but also to improve your mood as you remember the situation. With all the benefits laughs have, you can use this almost as a daily medicine.
      Using popular funny quotes from movies etc. – Those are great, because usually they are funny by themselves alone, so it is cool if the girl doesn’t know them. If she does, then it will be even better and can create a strong bond between you too. It might be tricky to use them in correct situation though, try practicing it with girls you are only friends with.
      Impersonate famous people – polititians etc. Impersonate people you both now and who are typical in some way – This is great but it requires some skills to be able to impersonate both voice and movement, another issue is, she HAS to know the person you are impersonating, otherwise you could look weird and can even drop in her eyes.
      Enjoy some fun events together – stand up comedy, funny theatre etc. This is a no-brainer. If you enjoy more situations like this together, it alones creates bond, also you will laugh together a lot plus you will have more memories to recall and talk about – so you can laugh about it later.
      Tell jokes in relaxed groups of people – Usually I would recommend telling ordinary well-known jokes in groups of people (while your girl is in the group), you will appear as a thought leader and gain people respect. Important is here as: Your jokes are good, your presentation is good, you pick the right moments to tell the jokes.
      Little challenge (arm wresting, measuring feet size etc.) – You can sometimes try to challenge your girl, it depends whether she likes challenging a bit, but if you present in funny way – like as if you want to measure shoe size with a girl, she will understand that this challenge is pure fun and can’t be taken seriously.
      Pick her up, bring her to bed – This is great, it is important that you don’t do it too often, it also shouldn’t be forced. By this you are also expressing desire, force and also protection. If done correctly, you both will love and will have great time later on.
      Make fun of yourself sometimes and don’t take yourself so seriously – Often, it is important to laugh at your own mistakes and show her that you value yourself but don’t have problem to make fun of yourself at the same time. Don’t overdo it though, as she could try to think, that you have a low self esteem.
      Use of one-liners – They might be similar as quotes from movies, but they are usually shorter and totally spot on, so they are more situational and require lots of practice to be used correctly.
      Send her photos and videos of funny animals – cats etc. For girls, small furry cats or dogs are so adorable that they can’t resist watching them and moreover, if they are falling, bouncing and doing stupid stuff, the girls will melt. If you sometimes laughed to those animals, just imagine a girl having 3x stronger sensations, while watching it, and now go and finally send her the video!


As you could see, the list is quite long. These 15 ways to make a girl laugh are certainly not all there are. Just Google some more, it should be easy. Important thing is to mix them well, not forcing stuff and overdoing it, you don’t want do become a joker in her eyes, what you want to achieve is, that the girl next to you, feels great, while still having the great strong male, who she has pleasure with at passionate nights, next to her.

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