Category: Pirate Pick Up Lines That Work!

(approach your target and place your arm on their nearest shoulder) "If you were a pirate, would you place your parrot on THIS shoulder or… (put your arm around them and touch the other shoulder) THIS shoulder?"
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I hope you like to matey, because I'm about to swab your deck.
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Yer guilty of being a hot wench. I sentence you to walking my plank!
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Yo ho ho! How bout a bottle Of rum? Drink up cause we're about to get swashbuckled!
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Wanna come back to my home port and see my dock?
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Well call me a landlubber, 'cause I'm about to plunder your Treasure Island.
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It would make me Jolly if we could Roger.
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I'll let you in on a big secret… that's no peg leg!
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I sure would like to pillage yer booty.
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Arrrrrrrrrrrrr you free this Saturday?
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