Foods That Increase Sex Drive

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Did you know, the girls can tell, how sexually good the guy is going to be at first glance at a guy and that there are natural foods to increase your sex drive?

Quality sex brings enjoyment and satisfaction to both men and women. The important word here is ‘quality’, because if the quality is missing, sex isn’t entertaining, it might even get boring and hurt the whole relationship. If a girl sees that the penis isn’t working as it should, in her mind questions like this can appear:

Am I attractive enough for him?
Is he man enough?
Isn’t he somehow sick?

You can see, that all these questions are negative, they are showing lack of something. The impact on a male is also negative, he would probably be thinking something like: “my girl is going to think, that I suck, that I am not manly enough and she will surely find another guy.” All of that is possible, she really can think about that and she really might be thinking of someone else to give her desired pleasures. Usually it can last some time till she’s sad enough and will start looking for someone else, but eventually she will do it. Therefore it is important not to surrender to your problems and fight them.

Of course we as humans experience all kinds of problems and some of them can be really troublesome to talk about, but as you know problems have to be solved. You have to act upon them, gain the knowledge around them and then slowly (or quickly if possible) remove them from your life.

In order to enjoy quality sex life and be in top form, you have to be healthy and have the drive strong enough to look forward to making love.

What directly influences the quality of your sex life? What can affect your erection and sex drive and mood in general?

The blood pressure
The testosterone levels

While the first two affect erection positively, the third one negatively.

Foods to increase sex drive – Blood pressure

For achieving firm erection it is necessary to have blood vessels in a good condition so the blood can run through them and can be pumped into the penis. In order to have quality permeability of the blood vessels, you have to live healthy and measure your blood pressure regularly. If your blood pressure changes significantly, it may indicate some ongoing problem in your body. Also be sure to check if changes in blood preasure aren’t caused by medication you take.

To achieve health in this area you can try eating following foods:

Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Watermelons, Cherries – Basically any strong antioxidants are supposed to be good. Great are fruits rich on vitamin C.Foods to increase sex drive – oranges
Cinnamon, Chocolate with high amount of cocoa – It is supposed to improve blood flow.
Garlic – cleanses the blood.
Broccoli – Improves excretion of excessive estrogen hormone.
Wine – again great antioxidant, especially drinking red wine is much recommended in reasonable amounts.
Salmon, tuna fish – Contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Foods to increase sex drive – The testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone in human body, mainly produced in testicles responsible for many functions like: Production of blood cells, distribution of fat in the body or bone density. It might be low from various reasons, between them: obesity, ongoing infections in the body, hormonal imbalance or illnesses (such as diabetes). Having high enough testosterone levels is an important part to achieve quality sex life. Higher testosterone will most likely improve your sex drive and firmness of the erection as well.

Foods rich on vitamin A and D

Onion – According to some sources, onion juice can significantly improve testosterone levels in your body
Grapes – Contains Resveratrol, which according to tests done on animals, can increase testosterone levels significantly
Eggs –They are great for improving levels of testosterone, because they improve the levels of good cholesterol (HDL), which help creating testosterone.
Nuts – All kinds of them, mostly recommended are Brazilian nuts, but you won’t make a mistake going with pecans, cashew nuts, pistachios or walnuts which are all very beneficial in many areas. Caution there, you don’t want to eat many nuts, as they are very rich on calories, especially Pecans and macadamia nuts. Also better don’t buy salty nuts and rather get their natural versions.
Seeds – Sunflower seeds
Olive oil – Similarly to eggs, it helps creating testosterone through influencing of cholesterol levels.

Foods to increase sex drive – Stress

As common, as it may sound, the stress can be one of your worst enemies. It can cripple you in all kinds of areas, worsen your relationships with your closest ones and impair your general happiness in life. One of the areas it highly affects is also area of sex drive and sexual enjoyment. If you suffer from stress, you should integrate relaxation (on daily basis, if it is possible) into your life. Other then relaxation, you can also start eating foods, which help reducing higher levels of stress in your body.

Recommended foods for reducing stress levels:

Food rich on vitamin C
Almonds – Almonds are great for reducing stress and anxiety levels.
Milk, dairy products
Sweet potatoes
Berries – especially blueberries

Foods to increase sex drive – Secret ultimate foods and supplements

Un-like the foods and supplements mentioned above, which should be eaten for a longer period of time to actually see the results or even it is necessary to incorporate them into your lifestyle, the kinds of foods mentioned here, helps really quickly in some cases it almost work like a weaker Viagra. But can you imagine the powers you obtain if you combine them? Also your vallet is going to be happy, because you will save much money and also do someting positive for your body and mind, as all of the foods posivitely affects other areas.

Secret ultimate foods and supplements:

Avocado – So stacked with vitamins and healthy substances, it has wide positive effects on human body including improvement of testosterone levels and blood flow. If you don’t have experience with them so far, try them and see the results.
Oysters – Those and some other sea fruits are especially great for boosting erection and sex drive.
Chilies – They may seem really hot, they are. Every noticed how you get red if you eat something really hot? That’s the increased blood flow, and that is exactly what you want. Don’t overdo it though! You have to adapt slowly to eating hot chilies, better start with something milder.
Ginseng – Increases stamina and blood circulation, be careful though as it may have negative effects if you take too much of it.
Ginger – Ginger is known aphrodisiac, it should help with erectile dysfunction and it is effective in treating impotence.
Black pepper, Wasabi – Also are considered natural aphrodisiac as it can improve blood flow significantly.
Caviar – although it might get expensive, caviar is supposed to be great aphrodisiac as well, it contains valuable vitamins and is rich on phosphorus.
Fenugreek – Enhances sexual experience and libido
Magnesium Oil – Magnesium helps producing healthy sperms

If it still doesn’t work fine

At this point if you still don’t see the desired results and tried everything, then maybe it’s time to try some not exactly natural ways and try special food supplements as these:

Pycnogenol – Improves skin quality and positively affects erection
Arginine – Helps improving blood circulation, protects heart and helps with blood formation
DHEA – Good for people with hormonal imbalance, improves libido

Maybe the problem lies in your lifestyle

You can positively affect your sexual life by changing your lifestyle in following areas:

Reducing sugar levels – Sugar is generally not considered very healthy and can have negative impact on your sexual functioning.
Drink less beer – Beer contains the female hormone Estrogen, so as opposed to the frequent commercials, where real men drink beer, actually real men don’t drink beer or at least in the controlled amount.
Food for increasing muscle (proteins) – Food which contains proteins is supposed to help building muscle. Having higher ratio of muscle/fat indicates having good testosterone amount in the body.
Get enough sleep – Generally it is recommended to have 7-8 hours of sleep a day to prevent sexual and other dysfunctions.
Walking or running – To keep yourself fit running a few times a week is highly recommended. You should not overdo it though, if you run for too long, the testosterone levels may actually decrease.
Intense training – The training aimed to develop your muscles with high intensity is definitely good way to improve testosterone levels. Be caution though about not work out for too long. 45 minutes is supposed to be reasonable boarder line of a workout length. After that, testosterone levels start to decrease.
Have sex regularly – If you want to improve in sex, you have to have it! By gathering more experince in this area and disovering the needs of your and her bodies, you can continuously improve the quality of your sex life and all the other components, that belongs to it.


Before trying any of the food experiments, you should make sure that you are not allergic to any of those substances. Often it is recommended to talk with your GP about the issues, which can arise for you, when eating particular foods.

For most of the foods mentioned in the article, you have to take them for longer time to experience real benefits, in fact you should include them in your diet throughout your lifetime, as they are healthy foods, which help you also in other nonsexual areas.

You can actually try testosterone tests before, then try to eat some of the foods mentioned and after some time run the tests again, if you see increase in your testosterone levels, you will know, that this works for you. You can really experiment with this. Important is to show dedication, maintain discipline, monitor the results and have positive expectations. Usually by treating the problems in this area, many other areas improves as well, as erectile dysfunction and unhappy sexual life in general, might be connected to your self confidence.

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