How to date multiple women

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Have you ever thought about dating more than one girl? Did it seem impossible?

Actually it is not, you can turn it into reality and enjoy this thrilling experience, you just need to follow certain steps. In this article, we tell you, which are these.

It can sound pretty awesome having more than one girl doesn’t it? Going to the cinema with beautiful brunette on Mondays, drinking wine with hot redhead on Wednesdays and going roller skating with that gorgeous blonde on Fridays and then taking her to your place to comfortably finish the week, great, isn’t it? No matter how good this may sound, it is also connected with potential troubles and high managerial skills are required to handle this correctly.

What is your reason to for dating multiple girls?

There might be many reasons, why would you do such thing. For example you just happen to be in that part of your life, when you are not satisfied with only one girl, you just keep looking at other girls and imagining stuff. That’s OK we all do that sometimes. Or you are unhappy about your last choice of girlfriend, when it turned out, you are actually not meant for each other and so, you basically lost you precious time with her. The thing is, you don’t have to be with only one girl, you really don’t. If the urge to be with more is really strong you can make it a reality.

Want to date more or not? Be sure what your intentions are

Maybe you would like to have more girls in your life on the same level and dating and sleep with all of them, or you would just like to date different girls for a while and then settle with the girl, which feels the best for you. Either way, you should set your intentions clear and also “the rules of the game” for all parties involved. You have to know, what to expect from the relationships and what would be actually best for you and try to keep it that way.

Be honest about what your intentions are

However strange it may sound, you have to be clear about this with all the girls involved. We expect that you’re an honest man, who won’t hide the truth (lying sooner or later brings more problems than honesty anyways) before them. There are basically 2 options for you, when to inform the girl about (non)exclusiveness of a relationship. Both options are very contextually dependant and also culture plays it’s part there, so be conscious about it.

You can tell her:

At the point you decide to talk about you too as a couple – It means you are both expected to be free until talking about exclusivity of the relationship with each other. After you decide to have exclusive relationship, all the dating of other girls should stop. If you decide for nonexclusiveness, there is still quite high success probability, that the girl would accept this, as the girl might fall in love with you or already, she could also like the sex you too are having and will decide to try it this way not to lose you. In many cases though, it is expected for a relationship to be naturally fully exclusive, even without talking about it, so beware of the context.

Right, at the beginning of the relationship (when it starts to get a bit serious between you too) – This is a very honest approach and good for you two, as you will immediately test, whether the girls is up for a nonexclusive relationship or not. If she is OK with it, then you don’t have to worry anymore, enjoy the nonexclusive relationship with her! The darkside of this approach is, that definitely not all women are going accept this but still girls are a lot open about sexuality nowadays than they ever been, so you should find some, who would undergo this.

In either case if you want a nonexclusive relationship, it is the time to test, whether the girls are getting jealous or not. It is important because if they are, they could try to control you, have awkward allusions and get overly emotional about things, eventually they could try to secure you for themselves alone. Such girl is not ready to be in polyamorous relationship and it is best for both of you to separate.

Deciding to keep the best one

What you should control

It’s perfectly ok to try finding yourself the best girl and taking some time to try them out. In this stage though, just have to be aware of particular things:

They should not meet, when you are with one of them as this could mean the end of the relationship with both. So you have to plan your routes carefully, know your schedule and their schedule, there’s also no problem in sending them SMS sometimes, to find out what they are doing. Usually it is recommended to see girls in different days. Another thing you should be aware of is information about/from them. You have to know that this piece of information came from that particular woman. To store information about different girls, you can use applications like:

Onenote (

I even bumped into app specially designed to manage more women, called Dating CRM, nevertheless plain notepad can do.
If you’re going to manage it carefully, you not only won’t have any problems confusing them but you will also have deeper conversations, as you can easily react on what happened and how and then ask about it later.

Be aware of your cell phone, they can send you SMS or call you in the worst possible moment, when you’re with the other girl. Is it better to turn just the vibration on, so the girls won’t hear it and you will know that you have a call. Then you can check later, who has called you and eventually call them back, when you’re alone (on toilet etc.).

When you’re at home with a girl but still you are not in agreed relationship or you are unsure, which one to pick, you have to ensure that they don’t know about each other by vacuum cleaning as often as possible, as the girls like to leave their dark hairs all around. Also girls often forget some stuff like lipsticks, combs or mirrors at your place, so be sure to clean it and hide somewhere, where it is not accessible for the other women.

Let’s find out, which girl is the best match for you

In this phase, you should concentrate on the aspects that you would like on girls, perhaps you like the particular character traits or looks, write it down and assess slowly and carefully, which girl seems to be the best for you. I would recommend writing a list with the features you would like on a girl and then compare the girls with this desired one instead of between each other. Sooner or later you will eventually decide to settle down with one girl only and that’s fine and expected, because you don’t want to steal their time like this for too long. Always ask, whether you’d like, if the girl did the same to you.

Does sex mean, that you are in a serious relationship?

No, it doesn’t necessary have to. You can even test which girl is going to be the best for you in this area, maybe the sex has very high priority for you and if you discover that there is not enough attractiveness in the bed, even though you love to communicate with the girl or love her looks, it might just not work out. Again it really depends on your and her priorities in the relationship. Be also sure to use protection all the time to avoid unnecessary complications and causing them harm by transferring any STDs between them.

How to finally decide?

You will surely discover the right moment to break it down and tell them. At this place you better talk about serious relationship with the #1 girl you would like to be with before telling the others, as you always could be turned down and, if it happened, you would be left without any girl. By this approach you will certainly hone your dating skills and also improve your self confidence, you will be self assured, that there are more girls waiting in reserve in case something goes wrong.

Making the nonexclusive agreement at the beginning

In this case it much more convenient for you, because you don’t need to hide anything. Well of course you would like the girls to avoid each other, as there might still some inconveniences appear, but that shouldn’t be that much of a problem after all to organize it that way. You don’t need to worry about cell phones and their leftovers that much. Also there won’t be many problems if you confuse some information the girls gave you. At that moment, you are not in an exclusive ‘serious’ relationship, so you should behave accordingly – like not acting as if you two would be couple, act like you would be more like friends with benefits – not calling her very often, sending SMS or emails only sometimes, not paying for meals for her all the time etc. She should understand it from the communication between you too.

Giving priorities to girls

In this model, you don’t need to act the same with all the girls you have around. You can make one of the girls your A girl and some of them your B girls or even C. E.g. With A girl you will spend most of the time, going out with her and have all kinds of fun activities, while you would be with B girls only at bedtime in your/their home. C girls may be as a “back up” when there are no other girls around.

Young performer playing the saxophoneYou define your own rules but always show the girls, where they stand, don’t pretend anything, just show them their positions by acting accordingly. Great thing is, you can jump into serious relationship, if you both feel like it sometimes in the future.

The little problem about this approach is the time it costs, managing so many girls can cause, that you won’t have time for other hobbies or even work, so be aware of it and divide your time correctly, tell the girls, if they start to cost you more time than usually, because imbalance in life can lead to all kinds of misfortunes.


We presented two models, how you can get away with dating more women at once and gave away the secrets of dating multiple girls. The interesting thing about it is, the more women is going to be around you, the more self confidence you will gain and therefore will attract even more women into your life.

Everyone has to decide though, if something like ‘dating more women’ is even morally acceptable for him, so he won’t have any kind of reproaches later on. We do this to be happier in life and get the most of it, if this doesn’t make you happy, don’t do it by any means.

Knowing how to date multiple women will be achieved through continual practice, as mentioned above, it can really take really a lot of time and it probably will, so be prepared for it and schedule your activities accordingly. As you are on this website, I expect that women are your passion and you will gladly invest the time in it. So go ahead and start dating multiple women!

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