How to read women. Instantly!

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This article is not about reading their signs of flirting or other body language as there is going to be article dedicated just to this topic. This, article is about reading women instantly, from a first glance at them!

Is it possible to read girls just by looking at their face structure? Maybe yes, there are disciplines called ‘Personology’ and ‘Physiognomy’ out there, which focus on facial features and what exact character traits can be derived from them. So, imagine the power you would obtain. You could just look at girls and guess who is perfect for you and who is total mismatch, also it might be easy to recognize girls, who would be easy to flirt and eventually sleep with. Of course physiognomy and personology are supposed to apply for both men and women, but as you know, this website is primary concerned with women, so let’s talk about them.

So, what do those discliplines (which are often merged into just one) tell about different aspects:

Girl’s Eyes

What can you read from girl’s eyes? You can focus on its color, shape, size and position.

If girls’ eyes are narrowed up, it means such girl is usually open, outgoing and likes to enjoy life. Don’t think, it is going to be easy! Such girls usually have high intellect and are very emotional.

Opposed to this, if her eyes are narrowed down, she’s likely to be very helpful, kind and mild by nature. Such girls might be totally dedicated to you, as they are usually submissive. They are often good mothers too.

If a girl has triangle shaped eyes, that might indicate her being manipulative and dominant. She might have problem with communication and won’t tolerate any resistance. They may be also very unstable in relationships. They are often very sensible though.

Rectangle shaped eyes inquire that their owner is very intelligent and seeks security in life. It is not easy to get such girls, as they tend to analyze a lot before deciding for a relationship. Moonshaped eyes have usually nice people, with small amount of temperament, who try to experience many different situations in life. If a girl has big eyes, you can be sure, that she is very open, sexy and honest. Sometimes they tend to be unstable in relationships, as they often fall in love too quickly. Small eyes may be indicating, that the girl is introverted and might even be envious and untrustworthy. Such girls tend to be perfectionists, detail focused and very intelligent.

If she has very deep dropped eyes, it might indicate, that she is a romantic soul, usually introverted. Such girls are often successful, because of their persistence. Prominent eyes mean, that their owner is a bright, happy and kind-person. Bulging eyes are often perceived as negative, beware of girl with those eyes, as she might be egocentric and have not much social feeling about what is right and what is wrong. On the other hand such people are also intelligent, high on energy and have a strong will. Those girls also tend to lose her head and like sex a lot. Girl with dropping eyelids is often very into sex, and likes male company a lot.

Girl’s Lips

If a woman has big lips it means, she is probably very talkative and open. While this can be considered good in some situations, it may annoy listeners in others. Such woman definitely needs good listeners around. As opposed to that, if a girl has small lips, it might indicate her tendency to hide emotions and private life. Such girls also talk a lot less. If a girl has lips ending pointing downwards, it indicates she is a pessimist, as opposed to that, if her lips end pointing upwards, it means she might be of optimistic nature.

Girl’s Eyebrows

In the case a girl has round curved eyebrows, you can expect her to be friendly and nice, on the other hand, a girl having angled eyebrows, like this “^”, she might be control freak and often authoritative. Such girl often aims for a high status in society.

Distance between eyes and eyebrows

The bigger the distance, the more hesitant a girl is and vice versa. If the distance is very small, you can expect quick decision making, those girl are often prone to be manipulated by sellers etc.

Girl’s Nose

If you meet girl with a bigger nose, you can be sure, she doesn’t like routine and might want more freedom in her life. Such girls are also often ambitious and competitive and have high positions. The girls with small noses are much more suitable for repetitive tasks and routine.

Girl’s Chin

Girls with small chins are often fragile and vulnerable, if the chin is of middle size and round, she is friendly person. If she has bigger, square like chin, you can be sure, she is fighter in her life and she hardly gives up.


Although facial features are not 100% connected to the personality traits, as much can be acquired during life of a human, they are not some witchery either. Although sources differ, according to some, you can guess people personalities using above mentioned disciplines in as much as 90% of all cases. On the other hand it maybe wouldn’t be fair to doom a woman you like, just because she has allegedly negative personality traits, because of her facial features. There is always going to be myriad of people, who won’t believe in this and nothing will change about it. According to some, this approach is even scientifically not proved and outdated. If you believe or not, you can see what is possible to asses just from a glance. Try comparing the characters of girls you met during life with the described characteristics and maybe you will find, that this is no nonsense stuff. It is always good to learn more about people, as it adds up on confidence while interacting with them. Maybe you would be more confident, having read this information, when talking to women, because you would know them from ‘before’. I would recommend checking more articles about this topic, as this is a really wide and interesting field, which was also covered by many books, among them I would recommend checking Face Reading by Barbara Roberts, The Wisdom of your face by Jean Haner or Face reading in Chinese medicine by Lillian Bridges.

So would you be able to read women, after thoroughly learning above mentioned disciplines? To read their characters at just a first glance? That is not easy to answer, we wouldn’t bet on that. We prefer body language as a more truthworthy signals and believe or not, if you improve in recognizing body language, you can asses lot from girl’s character, just by observing it. Nevertheless, you can certainly give it a go and learn more about face reading theories. This video series may be interesting for you on the way:

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