How to be an Alpha Male

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Ever wondered how guys around can have such beautiful ladies, while having a girl like that felt nearly impossible for you? You can be there, with that girl, on their place.

How to be an alpha male – girlredYou can hear the phrase ‘Alpha male’ everywhere around you – when takling about the musicians, the television stars or the business leaders. Alpha male is the master seducer, the desired lover and king of their hearts but what that means exactly?

I am sure there are more definitions out there. We like to describe an alpha male as a man successful with women and also successful in other areas of the life. The so called ‘Alpha male’ is a set of behavioral and thinking patterns.

In this article we give you information about this prototype of a man. After reading this article, you will know, how to be an alpha male, in the sense, that you will discover his characteristics and it’s up to you, if you decide to become an alpha male or not.

Components of which perfect alpha male prototype consists of, are:

Behavior of an alpha male

The alpha male usually has a very specific behavior, he stands out of crowds, because he doesn’t behave like ordinary men. He can also stand out later on, when he speaks, because he emits specific type of energy. Typically this male radiates confidence all around him. What are typical behavioral patterns of an alpha male outside confidence?

  • He appears calm and cool all the time
  • Appears like he doesn’t care. Sometimes it is better not to care that much, as things often tend to go his way then.
  • He has a good sense of humour
  • He is the absolute opposite to a boring guy, as he is very original and unpredictable
  • He is direct and honest
  • He does things, because he wants to – kissing, touching women
  • Compliments girls rarely, therefore his compliments become more valuable
  • He usually speaks only, when he has something valuable to say
  • Leading, a bit dominant
  • Active
  • Can be cheeky in a funny way
  • Listens – ability of a leader
  • Knows seduction secrets, psychology,
  • Positive stance toward learning

Movements and gesticulation of an alpha male

It sometimes debatable, how our emotions work. People used to believe that the emotions come before action, for example if someone felt bad, he would look into the ground, avoid eye contact etc. The newer approach toward emotions and behavior says, it is very likely, that if people act confident – focusing on looking calm and relaxed, walking straight, looking above the horizon or calmly and decisively looking into other peoples’ eyes, they will eventually feel good and experience positive emotions. This is the vital part of being an alpha male, because alpha male always tries to feel good and tries to experience good emotions. Such good attitude often becomes infectious to other people and they then start feeling very good as well. This might be one of the reasons, why alpha males have so many friends, why they are able to attract so many chicks in their lives and are usually outgoing with extroverted personalities.

So what is the typical physical display of an alpha male status?

  • Stands with his feet apart, head high
  • Is relaxed and loose in every activity, be it walking, speaking, sitting.
  • Slow movement, long steps – Alpha male does not hurry, he simply doesn’t need to. The awesomeness of life will wait for him and he is going to get it.
  • Always comfortable, leans back – He finds the best position for himself and takes up space, when traveling in the public transport, talking to a group of people or simply walking.
  • Takes up space

On this video, you can see Brad Pitt talking. He has perfect gestures and facial expressions and by many is considered an alpha male. To be the best, you have to study the best, so get yourself comfortable and watch, just by watching them, you can learn some gestures subconsciously.

As you could see, there are many things to master on the way of becoming an alpha male. He is the master of his body and his mind.

Voice of an alpha male

If you notice alpha male speaking, you can notice that they usually speaks quite slowly, by that, they are demonstrating, that they are people of high value and are not used to be interrupted (people let them speak until they finish, what they have to say). Another important thing is control over the voice. When an alpha male speaks, he uses usually deeper voice and is used to change pitch to emphasize different places in the sentence, all is perfectly congruent with their body language (there is going to be an article on this topic as well), which is primary used to support what they say. Also alpha male usually is not garrulous – he talks only when he has something funny or important to say and therefore, the stuff, he is saying, automatically becomes more important. He does not like to be interrupted, but he also does not like to interrupt other people. Alpha male is a perfect listener, which is one of the characteristics of a perfect leader.

According to women, one of the sexiest men, is George Clooney. This master of attraction has perfected the art of speaking. In this video, you can see, how well he works with his voice, no wonder girls and women are so much attracted to him. Watch and learn.

Just to recap:

  • Speed of speaking (slow)
  • Pitch (mostly low, changing it to emphasize different places)
  • Content (Stuff which has sense – funny, work with emotions, informative etc.)
  • Supported with strong body language
  • Not only great speaker but also great listener

Alpha male exercise

Behave like an alpha male gorilla. This is a perfect exercise to experience the pure alpha male feeling. Stand in front of the mirror and image, that you are a gorilla. Stand with your feet widely apart and try to take up as much space with you arms as possible, then try to lift up your arms still taking up as much space. In the next step you can try to hit your chest few times and massively roar as gorillas do it, try to be as much alpha as possible while doing this. Now you should already be feeling pretty pumped up. In the next step, with this feeling or attitude go into the city centre, where there’s enough people around, and make the gorilla pose with the arms widely apart. Now try to feel as relaxed as possible while still maintaining the feeling of an alpha male taking up space and go your way and don’t dodge people, if you do it correctly, you will see all people dodging you and making up space for you to go through. Again if done correctly, you will feel great and you will see girls looking at you with amazement in their eyes, they subconsciously want you now.

Thinking processes of an alpha male

Have you ever thought about being so different then women in the way, that when talking with your girlfriend, or other girl, that you almost felt lost, like you two are different creatures not able to understand each other? Maybe you were unable to hold strong enough connection. That is one of the alpha male masteries – to create, hold and therefore control connections with people. He is able to perfectly connect with women on different levels. Alpha knows what works with the particular girl. This comes from an alpha male being most of the time in control of his own emotions and mind. He perfectly knows where his strengths and weaknesses lie. He picks the right times to be emotional to support his desires. Because of this, it becomes more possible to get a grasp what other people are thinking. Often guys don’t even understand themselves and their own thinking patterns, how can they want to know, what women think about? Alpha males wants to improve, wants to be better, wants to be the best, but all that in kind of non violent way. What is important, such man knows his own value and is perfectly aware of it. He has his own goals, hobbies and desires and with optimistic attitude he turns his dreams slowly into reality. Women find this drive, alpha males have, extremely attractive. they can feel that and want to be part of their worlds. Alpha male is simply honest, towards himself, towards other people as well.

  • Understands himself, his strengths and weaknesses
  • He controls his emotions, but can be really emotional in the right times too
  • Can establish great emotional connections
  • Connects with the women on different levels
  • Is sure of his own value
  • He knows what he wants and feels he deserves to have it

Antonio Banderas is an example of perfect outgoing personality, he is cool, collected and is joking all the time. He also seems very expressive in a good way.

Self presentation and looks of an alpha male

So what about the looks? Are they so important after all? Well they are in a sense, that the guy should want to look the best he can. That means exercise regularly to look fit, to be fit and wear clothes that perfectly matches the character he has and is well combined together. Most importantly the guy must feel great in the clothes he wears and this together with well chosen and combined together clothes make a very powerful combination. There is no given rule on looks really, unless his looks aren’t offending other people or he isn’t going too violently against values perceived by society. Man should look like just to feel the best way possible. One alpha male can feel great with fine shaved face, adjusted eyebrows and tan and the other one with wild hair and big beard. Sometimes you can see an alpha male wearing an extreme, almost funny like apparel, but that usually only shows that he has no fear of standing out of the crowds and also tells something about his open personality and if he feels good in it, then why not. Sometimes it is possible to hear stuff like you have to be best looking and have perfect face proportions to become an alpha male. Well that’s BS, don’t believe that, it might be considered a plus though. What actually helps, might be creation of certain style and dressing and appearing accordingly.

  • Tries to look the best
  • His clothes and apparel matches his personality
  • Tries to feel comfortable in clothes
  • Has different opinion on style and fashion and that’s just fine.
  • Isn’t boring or tedious, has style

What are NOT indicators of an alpha male

If you want to become alpha male, you should never:

  • Act defeated, insulted, offended or accuse anybody
  • Try to impress the girl, if you give her flowers, do it because you want to. (there is always question, whether to give flowers or not. We had many girls, but still give flowers only to our mothers 😉 )
  • Boast as this demonstrates low value and low self esteem
  • Never look to the ground – Again it demonstrates low value and self esteem
  • Act/walk/talk too quickly and nervously
  • Stammer in front of the girl out of nervousness and try to hide it
  • Be uneducated regarding human psychology and weak physically
  • Be socially weak
  • To improve your mood, almost everything is trainable…

Alpha male impresses girls and women by not trying to impress them at all, as he is so sure of his own value.


In this article, you received an information how to be an alpha male. As you could see an alpha male is a master of both physical and physical parts of the human existence (maybe spiritual as well, but it isn’t easy to find any reference on that). What is amazing, that unlike by women (where, regarding attraction, beauty seems to be playing much important role), pretty much ordinary guy can become one. With enough practice that is. Imagine now you already are an alpha male? How would girl pick up go? How about attracting women, wouldn’t it be easier? It would be a walk in the park! You can see already, that there is no easy way to become alpha male, it takes time to master all these and even more components. What you also see though, that it actually is perfectly possible to become an alpha male for you. So hurry up and start practicing!

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