What Girls Hate

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The name of this article may seem kind of upside down, one will expect title like “What girls like” or “What makes a girl happy”, maybe such article will come in the future. Now it is of utter importance to recognize, what makes them crazy in a bad way. If you don’t know, what girls hate, you might do a fatal mistake, they will not like you, they will not talk to you and if you have a girl already, you may prepare to quarrel a lot, to have no sex for a while or even lose her. So it is an article about, what girls hate on a men, what a girl hates on you!

Of course, it is important to note that people usually are different, everyone is a unique copy and there is nobody walking on this Earth, who would be exactly the same. Nobody could possibly experience the same life as any chosen person. But still, there are many certain features, which are common among individuals. With the focus on behavior and emotional responses respectively, we can say, one such subset is typical for a woman and one for a male. Of course there are always exceptions and even the most rooted behavioral patterns are probably not applicable for everyone. I would still recommend having at least basic understanding about woman needs, about what a typical girl likes or what she hates, on top of that, it is very important to understand behavioral patterns of particular individual. Then the package is complete – You will know, what girls hate, you will even know what YOUR girl hates, so you can avoid feature troubles.

It is obligatory to divide this to at least 2 categories:

Communication issues

Seeking reassurance – This situation occurs, when a man is not sure about himself, he seeks approval for every action and is not sure about himself at all. Women don’t like guys, who don’t value themselves.

Not able to defend her – If a man is not able to stand by girl’s side if some troublesome situation occurs, then she might stop seeing him as a support, you should try to at least stop the quarrel she is in, if you’re not able to defend her.

Avoiding eye contact – If man avoids eye contact with a woman, it might mean, he has something to hide from her, if he’s always avoiding the eye contact, it might mean he’s weak and shy person and that’s usually not attractive for women.

Looking at boobs – If a man intensively looks at her boobs, it is usually not comfortable for her, if he looks at boobs of other girls – even worse! She might think, the guy is not satisfied with her looks.

Indecisiveness – In womens’ eyes, what often differentiates attractive male from unattractive, is his ability to make decisions, to make most of them and to make quality decisions. Don’t overdo it, because in particular moments, it is more important to reach a compromise between you two.

Man letting her pay – There are several opinions on this. If it’s serious date, then man should be paying for the expense at the end of the night. Sometimes a girl looks find after splitting the bill, and you two can even and up in your place, but she might think that you’re not feeling she’s valuable enough for you to pay the bill, but she wants you, so she will do anything at the moment to win you over. While it might be good at the particular night, she probably won’t feel good the other day, when she is sober and there she maybe won’t like to see you again.

Touching on intimate areas – Yeah it is usually pleasing for women, but she has to be ready first, she has to be in the mood to receive such handling, then it is of course great. But some guys are OK to keep touching women on intimate areas even in the most unsuitable moments. Save this to your bed!

Not letting know – If it takes you too long to send a simple SMS, or you’re not calling her, if you promised to do so. A girl might start to think, to think about possibility of other women being with you or other crazy ides, she won’t be focusing on her job, and may become annoyed.

Letting her lead – While it is usually good to hear her opinion, sometimes a man has to make quick decisions. Women love male leaders, it might be advisable if you think things through in advance. Leadership is a skill like any other, which you can practice and improve at!

Adjusting the fly – We all know, how uncomfortable often is, when something down there doesn’t feel right and the position needs to be fixed. It is very dangerous to adjust in front of your woman, so save it for a moment alone!

Selective listening – That’s typical of guys – To concentrate on only one thing with your senses. It should always be the woman, when she is talking to you! Guys can tell, how hard it is sometimes to listen to every word they say, because they can say lot of them. Practice makes perfect, with enough of it, you will adjust and discover important phrases by changes in her tonality.

Man flu – Every man doesn’t need to be a powerful alpha male, what he shouldn’t be at any times though, is a complaining sissy, who cannot stand a little sore or an illness. Remember girls are creatures, which lose lots of blood every month and they don’t complain to you at all, how can you expect getting away with complaining about your flu?

Showing off – While many guys do that, to look manly, awesome and great in women’s eyes, what that actually shows is a need of approval and therefore insufficient self value.

Forgetting everything – That is often a problem, women remember usually the, for us absolutely insignificant details, which are unfortunately very significant for them. If you have troubles with that, maybe it will be a good idea to download some app, to write down dates, names of her friends, family members, hobbies etc. Excel might do too, and it can help you a lot!

Always trying to find a solution – Yeah, it’s good to be a leader, but not always is good to look for solution. Such moment occurs when woman talks to you about some situation she is troubled with, usually she just looks for understanding or by telling you, she wants to get rid of the stress attached to it. Ask if she wants to hear your opinion or simply acknowledge her situation.

Behavioral issues

Forgotten topics

Don’t talk about your ex – This is an impulse for her, to start comparing herself with your previous girl or maybe she will think, that you are comparing them, which is usually never good.

Talking about mom – It is in some ways comparable with talking about your ex. Your girlfriend usually wants to be the best for you and might understand some comment about your mom doing something good, as you’re implying that she’s not as good as your mother in a particular activity.

Proving your point with logic – This is a no-no. In most of the cases, even though you are right, and you are supported by logic, you should stop trying to prove it to her. You can’t win by doing that. What is more important, proving truth in the moment or having happy relationship? Basically the best solution there is playing it safe by saying “Ok, I don’t want to quarrel anymore over it, I know what you mean by that and understand your point of view” or something close to it. In few minutes you won’t remember, what the quarrel was about anyways. The partner isn’t here for fighting over, who is right, but to enjoy good times together.

Badmouth her parents – Saying something not especially positive about her parents even though it’s true, might be very tricky. Often girls have very strong bonds with their parents, calling their mothers every day. Again don’t try to explain your truth and rather try to avoid this topic until it is really bothering you.

Particular phrases

“You know, how I feel about you, so why do you ask?” – Women always need reassurance, and you have to show them your love over and over again, is it also good idea for you, because she won’t be looking for other guys, who can ‘give’ her the love (or those words that is).

“Calm down” – Seriously consider of not saying this one ever. How a girl responds to this? Usually angrily shouting something like “I am calm!”. If you continue, she can easily lose herself there and it won’t be nice.

“You look fat in that” – Being honest is not the same as being bold as f*, sometimes it is better to wrap it nicely, but deliver the same message, her reply will be completely different!


You can see that men and women are in some cases completely different animals. While, as a male, you can’t fully see into the woman’s brain, by learning about the potentially dangerous phrases and situations and by practicing some of the responses, you can avoid lots of troubles. What girls hate? Girls often hate something on a particular situation, a guy wouldn’t be bothered by at all. You can’t change that, you just have to adapt and change yourself, it is after all the easier way.

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